I'm trying to generate a PDF using the Mac version of PrinceXML, using a particular font ("ITC Officina Sans - Book"). On Windows, it works fine (once I had a TTF version of it).
I installed the same TTF font on the Mac, but Prince just ignored it (and moved to the next specified font in the CSS). I had tried font-family of "ITC Officina Sans", "ITC Officina Sans Book", "ITC Officina", "OfficinaSans-Book", and "OfficinaSans"... none seemed to work.
However, if I did this in the CSS file (and made the text in question just "sans-serif"), it worked:
Running PrinceXML with the "--verbose" option then tells me: "used font: ITC Officina Sans, Book"
Is Prince (under OSX) not picking up the font properly because of the "Book" style in the font, instead of "Normal"? Is there a "proper" way to specify in the "font-family:" CSS attribute this font/face? ("font-style: Book;" didn't seem to work?).
Thanks for your time.
I'm trying to generate a PDF using the Mac version of PrinceXML, using a particular font ("ITC Officina Sans - Book"). On Windows, it works fine (once I had a TTF version of it).
I installed the same TTF font on the Mac, but Prince just ignored it (and moved to the next specified font in the CSS). I had tried font-family of "ITC Officina Sans", "ITC Officina Sans Book", "ITC Officina", "OfficinaSans-Book", and "OfficinaSans"... none seemed to work.
However, if I did this in the CSS file (and made the text in question just "sans-serif"), it worked:
@font-face {
src: url("/path/to/font/OFFICISB_0.TTF");
Running PrinceXML with the "--verbose" option then tells me: "used font: ITC Officina Sans, Book"
Is Prince (under OSX) not picking up the font properly because of the "Book" style in the font, instead of "Normal"? Is there a "proper" way to specify in the "font-family:" CSS attribute this font/face? ("font-style: Book;" didn't seem to work?).
Thanks for your time.