Forum How do I...?

@bottom only appears on last page


I'm struggling with the @page bottom.
On my current document it only appears on the last page, but I want it on every page.

@page { size: 2480px 3508px;
	padding-top: 576px;
	padding-bottom: 500px;
@top { content: flow(header);  margin-left:1766px;margin-top:640px;}
@bottom-left {content: flow(footer); margin-bottom:500px; margin-left:0; padding: 0;}
	 @bottom-right{ content:  "Seite " counter(page) " / " counter(pages); font-size: 32px; line-height: 50px; font-family: 'Calibri'; margin-right: 263px; margin-bottom: 800px; }
header{flow: static(header); }
footer{flow: static(footer);}

@top and @bottom-right are shown on all pages, but @bottom-left only on the last one.

The header and footer both are relative positioned.
the header only contains an image and the footer multiple divs.

What I'm doing wrong?

Don't hurt me, I'm still using Version 9. :)

Edited by zambadu

The footer will only appear from the page on which the content would have appeared, so you will need to move it to the front of the document or apply the start argument to the static flow, eg.
footer { flow: static(footer, start) }
Thanks Mike for the quick answer!

The start argument does the trick. Everything is fine now. :)