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Applying of CSS property direction: ltr || rtl not working on page:left / page:right

Hello! I'm trying to revert the direction of multi-column table applying the text direction change on whole document and simultaneously keeping the right text direction inside all the table cells, spans, paragraphs, etc.
Something like:
<span style="direction:rtl;">some text</span>
          <td style="direction:rtl;">cell #1 content</td>
          <td style="direction:rtl;">cell #2 content</td>
          <td style="direction:rtl;">cell #3 content</td>

Applying CSS:
     direction: ltr;
     direction: rtl;

The expected result is:
some text
| cell #1 content | cell #2 content | cell #3 content |

some text
| cell #3 content | cell #2 content | cell #1 content |

depending on direction set in @page:left / :right.

The reversion works on HTML page, but I don't see any effect of direction change in PDF - it all stays according to direction in HTML (set in body, for example, or default).

Does Prince support direction property to be set in @page:left / :right?

Thank you!

(using Prince 12)

Edited by olegole

No, the direction property on @page will not affect the document content.
Thanks for a quick answer!
Is there any other way to revert that kind of table, except for working around float: inside / outside?
At the moment we don't have any mechanism for mirroring tables depending on left/right page, this would require using floats or possibly a two-pass JavaScript process, although this could get complicated if table cells are broken across pages.
I see.
Life would be much more easier if all the content would fit the pages exactly, without breaking into the next ones)