Forum Bugs

Poor formatting of extremely long (multi-page) footnote

jared henderson
Prince (actually I'm using Prince-for-Books but I'm guessing the issue is in both) is struggling formatting extremely long footnotes that need to span multiple pages.

While footnotes of this length are relatively rare, they do occur. In almost all printed books I've ever seen with such lengthy footnotes, the general convention seems to be to preserve 10-20% of the page for ongoing normal text, and use the rest for the footnote for as many pages as is necessary.

Prince, however, just gives full pages to the footnote, without any non-footnote text.

See attached PDF and source files.

Has anyone else run into this? Would it be agreed that this is a bug? Or at least sub-optimal? Any chance of improvement down the road, or a workaround? Thanks so much!
  1. long-footnote-src-files.zip4.2 kB
  2. long-footnote.pdf59.7 kB
Have you tried setting the max-height property in the @footnote rule? That should be able to limit the footnote height per page and leave room for normal content.
jared henderson
markbrown -- I had not thought of that or tried it, but it works perfectly! Thank you so much!

For anyone else stumbling on this post, it's actually @footnotes -- here's what I ended up settling on:

@page {
  @footnotes {
    max-height: 80%;

Edited by jared henderson