Forum Bugs

currency entity isnt render propderly

if i have a markup like so

prince will render this like (when it generates pdf)

but if there's anyting between the currency entity name and the closing span tag then prince will not leave the ; when it renders the currency entity to symbols
Did you mean &pound;?
oops typo. yeah i meant &pound;,&euro; etc? it seems like if i do a js innerhtml update directly to a node then the ; are not encoded with the rest of the markup.

HTML before js update:
<span id="sampleID">some value that needs to be changed</span>

JS function that will be run before it goes to prince
var new_value = '500&pound;';

$( #sampleID ).html( new_value );

HTML after js update(this is what we'll feed prince):
<span id="sampleID">500&pound;</span>

result of generated pdf:

Edited by celene

Thanks, it seems to be specific to innerHTML usage, we will investigate!
Actually it affects entities at the end of the file too, that's just a very rare situation. Anyway, we have fixed the bug and the fix will be released shortly with Prince 12.1, thanks for letting us know! :)
Prince 12.1 is available now with the HTML character entity parsing fix.