Forum Bugs

PDF Export is inserting a blank page after every page for A4

We have been using your product for a while now and noticed some behaviour changes while we are testing an upgrade from 11.4 to 12.

Scenario: This worked in 11.4, but now it is causing an extra page to be added after every intended page.
@page {
    size: A4;

// The internal page size
.page-size {
    width: 8.3in;
    height: 11.7in;

My guess is that the new space is caused because we set @page size: A4 (which would be 210mm x 297mm) and then set the internal page container (.page-size{}) to (8.3in x 11.7in which is 210.83mm x 297.18mm).

That makes sense and if I set .page-size{} width and height to exact mm it works okay.

My question is, why does this all of a sudden work differently in 12 when it worked in 11.4?
Earlier versions of Prince didn't do a great job of taking into account specified height and min-height on blocks that break pages, so this may be a consequence of our improving this for Prince 12: the leftover few mm of height could be kept for the next page, then there will be a page break as the following block is so big it wants to start it on a new page.