Forum Bugs

Element span with display block interpreted as inline


I have a problem with a <span> element. In my HTML code there is two (or more) span that are brothers. I need in some case to apply the css property "display: block" to make them below others. On my browser it looks like this:

"Mozzarella sticks" is above "Beignets de Mozzarella fondants, sauce BBQ".
After I generate the PDF <span> are interpreted as inline, there is no line breaks between them.

I tried to use <div> instead of <span> but it inverse the problem, <div> displayed in block works fine, but inline isn't working anymore.

There is a work around? with keeping <span> in my code.

Thanks in advance.
Can you check if the "display: block" property is actually being applied? If you put "color: red" in the same style sheet does it also work? Sometimes there are @media screen vs. @media print sections which conflict with each other.
You are right, after setting "color: red" in my stylesheet, on the same class defining the "display:block" ,the text did not appear in red on the generated pdf. Therefore is there a specific prince tag I should add in order to make it work ?
The style is not being applied, but it is difficult to say why without seeing the HTML and CSS. If you like you can email it to me ( and I can take a look.
You was right, we found that the block style wasn't append correctly in the HTML document when sending it to prince. Thanks for your advice.