Forum Bugs

string page-policy within a table

hi. given:

@page :left {
  @bottom-left {
    content: string(lastname, first) "…" string(lastname, last);
    font-size: 14pt;
    vertical-align: bottom;
    padding-bottom: 2em;

.lastname {
  string-set: lastname content();
  display: none;

when elements like
<div class="lastname">Flintstone</div>

are contained within a <div> having "display: table", then "first", "start", and "last" page-policies always expand to "start"...

Edited by mrose

Thanks, we'll take a look at this.
.name {
    string-set: lastname attr(lastname);


<div class="name"l lastname="Flintstone">FLINTSTONE, FRED &amp; WILMA</div>

seems to work when in a table...
Right, that's a good workaround. There are issues with supporting string-set on elements with "display: none" that we might not be able to resolve before the Prince 6.0 release, so using an attribute instead is much better.