Hi everyone!
I cannot seem to fix this issue with my footer.
Particularly, the "doccopynuevo" static string is not showing in the first page.
If I move it to the rest of the pages however (i.e. in the @page section), it does show up properly!
My simplified code:
@page {@bottom { content: counter(page);}}
@page:left {@top {content: string(doctitle) " " string(docvolume) " (" string(docissue) "): " string(docfpage) "-" string(doclpage) ", " string(docyear);}}
@page:right {@top {content:string(docshorttitle);}}
@top {content: string(docissn) " (en línea) " string(doctitle) " " string(docvolume) " (" string(docissue) "): " string(docfpage) "-" string(doclpage) ", " string(docyear);}
@bottom-left {content: string(doccopynuevo);}
@bottom {content: "";}
@bottom-right {content: counter(page);}
copy-nuevo {string-set: doccopynuevo content()}
short-title {string-set: docshorttitle content()}
journal-title {string-set: doctitle content() }
issn {string-set: docissn content()}
volume {string-set: docvolume content()}
issue {string-set: docissue content()}
fpage {string-set: docfpage content()}
lpage {string-set: doclpage content()}
year {string-set: docyear content()}
I cannot seem to fix this issue with my footer.
Particularly, the "doccopynuevo" static string is not showing in the first page.
If I move it to the rest of the pages however (i.e. in the @page section), it does show up properly!
My simplified code:
@page {@bottom { content: counter(page);}}
@page:left {@top {content: string(doctitle) " " string(docvolume) " (" string(docissue) "): " string(docfpage) "-" string(doclpage) ", " string(docyear);}}
@page:right {@top {content:string(docshorttitle);}}
@top {content: string(docissn) " (en línea) " string(doctitle) " " string(docvolume) " (" string(docissue) "): " string(docfpage) "-" string(doclpage) ", " string(docyear);}
@bottom-left {content: string(doccopynuevo);}
@bottom {content: "";}
@bottom-right {content: counter(page);}
copy-nuevo {string-set: doccopynuevo content()}
short-title {string-set: docshorttitle content()}
journal-title {string-set: doctitle content() }
issn {string-set: docissn content()}
volume {string-set: docvolume content()}
issue {string-set: docissue content()}
fpage {string-set: docfpage content()}
lpage {string-set: doclpage content()}
year {string-set: docyear content()}