Forum Bugs

Pacfico Final Character Rendering

In the Google Font, Pacifico, the last character is rendered differently then it is in a browser. It looks like Prince is rendering it as a cursive continuation character and browsers are rendering the final character in a text block differently. In the following example the n is rendered with just a flat line for the right side in Chrome. In the Prince render it shows the n with a trailing flip.

A lot of reason this is a problem is that I am calculating the width of the SVG element to fit the text contents and this is causing some of the end text to be cut off in the render. This is stopping a particular customer from being able to print.
  1. example(1).jpeg29.8 kB
  2. example.html0.3 kB
It looks like it's using the OpenType "fina" (final) feature to substitute glyphs that occur at the end of words, but currently we only apply that to Arabic text.
Is that something you guys can add to non-Arabic text as well?
Yes! It will be in the next build. :)
Cool thank you! Let me know when.
The latest build appears to still be 04/07. Do you know when the next build will be?
We will try to prepare an updated build this week.
The latest build is ready now. :)
It looks like it is fixed for the last character in the entire text block, but not for the end of any other words. I have attached an example where the a in Katrina is still being rendered as a continuation character.

Thank you I appreciate your help with this.
  1. example.html0.4 kB
  2. example1.jpg32.5 kB
Oops, I was overly optimistic about the implementation, which isn't as simple as it first appeared. I will take another look.
On closer inspection it seems that OpenType is deprecating the use of fina/init and related features for non-Arabic scripts due to this word-boundary issue being inappropriate for shaping engines as described in this thread and formal proposal.

They suggest that the cursive connection feature can be done better with the calt feature, which some fonts already use for this purpose.

Based on this it does not seem practical to extend the support for the fina feature in Prince at this time.
(In fact the OpenType spec has already been revised to reflect this change and these features are now defined explicitly in terms of the Arabic joining tables taken from the Unicode standard).
It looks like this was fixed somewhere in Prince 12! I didn't test this on Prince 12.5, but it does work on 20191023
  1. 2019-11-11 (1).png1.0 MB
    Prince 11
  2. 2019-11-11 (2).png1.1 MB
    Prince 12