Hi there,
nowadays every implementation of widow control will leave the last line of the previous page empty and glue this text as first line to the following page in order to avoid a widow on the following page. Althought this is common practice, I don't like this way of handeling widows. In all books I'm setting (and yes, it's more a book setting thing) I use another way:
If there is no chance for the author or editor, to make content changes to eliminate widows, I plan enough space below the type area or the page (the page number must be »out of the way«). If a widow occurs, I enlarge the type area of the previous page by one line, so this line »hangs out« of the type area. IMHO (and not only my opinion) this handling of widows is less disturbing.
Take it as a new idea for this problem. I personally would love to see both variants of widow control implemented in prince.
nowadays every implementation of widow control will leave the last line of the previous page empty and glue this text as first line to the following page in order to avoid a widow on the following page. Althought this is common practice, I don't like this way of handeling widows. In all books I'm setting (and yes, it's more a book setting thing) I use another way:
If there is no chance for the author or editor, to make content changes to eliminate widows, I plan enough space below the type area or the page (the page number must be »out of the way«). If a widow occurs, I enlarge the type area of the previous page by one line, so this line »hangs out« of the type area. IMHO (and not only my opinion) this handling of widows is less disturbing.
Take it as a new idea for this problem. I personally would love to see both variants of widow control implemented in prince.