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Installing Prince for books

I located the download zip for "Prince for books", but there is no installer file for this program and the extracted .exe file doesn't run for me. Where/how should the .exe file be installed so that it can be run? I want to try to out some of the features in this new venture!

I do have the standard Prince application installed on the same machine, in case that may be causing a conflict here.

Prince for Books doesn't include the Windows GUI, which in hindsight is not very convenient I have to admit. It can be run from the command-line, eg. "prince input.html -o output.pdf"

I'll see if we can make a GUI package and installer. :)
That's not a problem. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I have been running Prince from the command line and not using the GUI with the standard application, anyway (though the installer file was certainly handy).