Forum How do I...?

IIS on win2003 + PHP + Prince


I'm trying for days to use Prince on my Win2003 server running IIS and PHP 5, but it wouldn't work. I tried the pure php-way and the COM-library.

Is there anything i have to change on my system? any security settings?

COM replies:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message 'Error [0x80020003]...

with the prince.php class there is no replay at all, but it doesn't work...

For the COM approach, have you registered the DLL with regsvr32?

For the PHP approach, have you checked that the specified path correctly points to the Prince executable in the engine\bin folder?

There may be an IIS security setting involved, but it seems that the error message is not very informative. It may be caused by the bug in PHP described here. This seems to affect loading COM objects in PHP 5.1.1. Are you able to upgrade to a newer version of PHP?
i registered the dll

path is correct

i updated to php 5.2.1

but it doesn't work....any other ideas?