Forum How do I...?

Line break counter

I have to apply a line count to the exported pdf.

The script will be used in different templates. Therefore i don't know the @page layout.

I have also to include the computed line breaks inside of heading and paragraph elements.

My approache to this is to enclose each word inside the elements with a span.

var currntEl = el.innerHTML.trim().replace(/ /g, "</span> <span class='get-position'>");

el.innerHTML = "<span class='get-position'>" + currntEl + "</span>"; 

Afterwards i'm iterating through these spans and comparing their y-coordinates. if they don't match, a new line has been computed. I'm using the y-coordinates to place the line numbers as well.
This approache works well in the browser, but calling this script with Prince does nothing.

Then i found the box tracking API in this forum. So now i'm able to fetch the y-position after layout has been finished.
If i try to create a new element with the line number nothing happens with no error;

This is the function to set the line numbers:

function setLinenumber(lineCount, elCoordinates) {

  if (lineCount > 0 && elCoordinates && elCoordinates.y) {
    console.log("x: "+elCoordinates.x+" y: "+elCoordinates.y);
    var newLineNumber = document.createElement("span");

    newLineNumber.innerHTML = lineCount;
    newLineNumber.setAttribute("class", "lineNumber") = "absolute"; = elCoordinates.y + "px"; = "+20px";


And here the function is called:

function manageLineBreaks() { // this function is called onload
  Prince.trackBoxes = true;
  Prince.addEventListener("complete", getCoordinates, false);

function getCoordinates() {
    // this will be called by the oncomplete event


  try {
    setLinenumber(300, {x:150, y:150});
  } catch (e) {

At this point the rendering is allready done.
Is there a way to kick off the rendering again?

Or do i just miss something?

At this point there is no way to restart layout, it requires producing some log messages and getting the caller to take note and then rerun Prince with the modified information. Sorry this is a little indirect. In the future we hope to add an API for rerunning layout from within Prince. (Or one day, hopefully, full reflow support!)
Thanks, for the quik reply.