Forum How do I...?

division of tables


in some pages, I have:
- a h1 title
- a long table with let's say 10 rows

In the PDF, I get:
- the h1 title on page 1
- the table divided (let's say 8 rows) in page 2
- and 2 rows in page 3

Is there a way to get this instead?
- h1 title and let's say 5 rows in page 1
- the 5 other rows in page 2

Does it help if you apply "h1 { page-break-after: auto }" ?
hi Mike, thanks.

It seems that the issue comes from the property:
"table {page-break-inside:avoid;}"

When the table is bigger than the current page, it gets divided anyway (no problem with this), but it ends up separated from its h1 title (even if I added "h1 { page-break-after: avoid }").

I guess that between "h1 { page-break-after: avoid }" and "table {page-break-inside:avoid;}", Prince gives priority to the latter. Is there a way to force it so that "h1 { page-break-after: avoid }" is taken into account?

Currently no, that's an awkward situation which we hope to improve in future.