Okay, sorry for bringing this up again, but I’m stuck with converting to grayscale.
I found the DotGain15 profile here:
http://bechtle-media.de/assets/download-dierotationsdrucker/DotGain15.zipAnd I integrated the following CSS:
prince-pdf-output-intent: url(data:application/vnd.iccprofile;base64,[...profile data goes here...]);
prince-pdf-page-colorspace: gray;
prince-pdf-color-conversion: all;
prince-pdf-profile: "PDF/X-4";
All data is properly converted to grayscale, BUT all texts with
color: prince-overprint( cmyk(0,0,0,1) ); are converted to 94% K!
How can I preserve CMYK black while converting all RGB images to grayscale? Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks, Tobias