Insert text "Continued"
How Can I insert text "Continued" at bottom of table when table span over multiple pages using CSS properties.
This is almost impossible with regular CSS, unfortunately.
We are investigating CSS extensions to do this for future Prince releases.
Is there any possibilities to try with Javascript DOM
Very difficult, as JavaScript only executes before and after layout, but not during layout. You would need to run Prince, call JavaScript at the end (using the oncomplete event handler), check the box tree to see if a table broke across two pages or not, and if it did reformat the document with modified CSS so that the "Continued" text is visible.
I think I remember something which used a second table caption element and then prince-caption-page to achieve this. This enabled a table caption for the first page and a different table caption for every subsequent page. Or have I misunderstood something?
Yes that is available, but it will displayed "Continued" at the bottom of the first page even for tables which don't have a second page, unfortunately.
Thanks, But, the actual requirement is to add text "Continued" for longer tables (ie. tables flow to next page). (see the screen shot.)
- Tables.png 103.9 kB
The "Continued" at the top of the following pages can be done with caption, but the "Continued" at the bottom of the first page can only be done via the complicated JavaScript trickery I mentioned earlier.
We hope to add a better way of doing this in the future.
The above point is a bottle-neck for us. Please let us know your tentative timeline for this update.
We will need to check the roadmap and get back to you. Our current focus is preparing Prince 11.
Is this updated in Prince 11?
Thanks, Mike. Looking forward to hearing this update.