When generating PDFs with prince I have an xhtml that fires off some javascript to dynamically create parts of the document. Is there a way to halt PDF generation through javascript when an error occurs? I've tried throwing errors in the script: throw new Error("An error has occurred"), but the document still generates.
Here is what gets printed out to the console:
prince: http://localhost:63342/reporting-services-master/reporting-services-authoring/injector.js: error: Error: UNABLE_TO_RENDER_VISUAL_COMPONENT_ERROR, unable to render visual component with id: kf.enterprise.radarChart
I am using prince 10rev7 on MacOSX for local dev but deploy to a linux environment on production.
When generating PDFs with prince I have an xhtml that fires off some javascript to dynamically create parts of the document. Is there a way to halt PDF generation through javascript when an error occurs? I've tried throwing errors in the script: throw new Error("An error has occurred"), but the document still generates.
Here is what gets printed out to the console:
prince: http://localhost:63342/reporting-services-master/reporting-services-authoring/injector.js: error: Error: UNABLE_TO_RENDER_VISUAL_COMPONENT_ERROR, unable to render visual component with id: kf.enterprise.radarChart
I am using prince 10rev7 on MacOSX for local dev but deploy to a linux environment on production.