Forum Bugs

Bug with white-space:pre-wrap collapsing nodes without text.

The CSS rule white-space:pre-wrap does not work the same as in web browsers. If I have a block of content like this:

<div style="white-space:pre-wrap">
<p>Some content</p>

All the p tags with a br inside will collapse and not take up any space, the first line in the container will be "Some content" instead of that line being pushed down by the spacing p's. Testing in Prince 10r5p1 on El Capitan and CentOS.
Thanks, we will take a look at this.
In your release notes you listed this as fixed. It's still an issue in 10r6.
The roadmap does not show this as fixed, and I'm not seeing release notes for r6 on the website. Where are you seeing this?


Click refresh a few times. For some reason it's caching pages in a weird way. Another developer saw this listed and it took me refreshing the page 4-5 times before I saw the latest download/roadmap.

Hopefully this can be fixed soon as the the white-space rules are required to properly render tabs/spaces and currently it's completely broken. Tested in 10r6 on OSX El Capitan and CentOS.

Edited by spjonez

This issue has not been fixed yet, it's still on the roadmap as "Fix issue where white-space: pre-wrap does not work the same as browsers."

Prince 10 rev 6 will be announced shortly, as soon as we upload the final Windows package. :)
More info in case you weren't ware this was also a bug;

<div style="white-space:pre-wrap">
<p>Some content</p>

Won't render correctly either.
sorry kind a late but is this issue fixed?
It took a while but this issue is now fixed in the latest build of Prince! Thanks for your patience. :D