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Prince page definition rules with folios

Hi Mike,

I have a document where folios mapped recto right, verso left and the chapter openers(:first) are not set to either left or right, but chapter opener(:first) flows as continuous in the flow, no specific such as either left or right.

My aim is to remove the folio from :first page rules want to flow the folio from if it is a left page so verso left and/or it it is right page then it should be recto right.

Finding it difficult how to map the css, required your help on this without doing on ID basis.

Do you think is it possible?

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What I'm thinking is that we can't avoid the page rules and :first should always be one consistent rules, and it cannot lead the folio with left right combination when falling the pages in flow? Am I right in thinking this, please confirm?

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Thank you for your help in this matter.

I'm not sure I completely understand your question. But have you tried combining page classes, eg. @page:first:left and @page:first:right?
I guess you understand the query, so can I use the above one to see if it resolves my query?
Please try, and you can attach a small sample document to demonstrate what you are doing if it does not work.