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Spread a table head over two pages

We have a single html table with a table head with ca. 21 columns. (See Screenshot of the original print we try to resemble)
The table head need to spread to the next page, so that we have the first part (column 1-10) on the first page and the second page the remaining 11 columns.

So is it possible to make a table head run horizontally through 2 pages and repeat on the following two pages?
  1. Tabel Test.jpg903.0 kB
No, this is not possible yet. It will require some extensions to CSS to support multipage layouts like this.
@mikeday Any update on this? I have to spread a headline over the spine of the spread.

But I don’t think, that this is possible ...
  1. Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-10 um 13.05.34.png21.9 kB
Not directly possible with CSS, this would require some complicated processing of the content with JavaScript and repacking, or printing the table on one page and chopping up the PDF with another tool, neither of which are very convenient. A proper solution for this is still waiting on more advanced pagination mechanisms.