Forum How do I...?

Placing two continuous image

1. How to place two continuous image in single column layout with proper serating width ???

2. How to handle float attribute in CSS to set two values (top and bottom) for a object ?

3. How to place image in top or bottom of the page based on the placement of cross link of image ?
For question 1, how about something like this:
<div><img src="..."/></div>
<div style="margin-top: 5mm"><img src="..."/></div>

I don't understand question 2, as you can't float something to top and bottom of the page.

Question 3, you can't choose top or bottom based on where some other content appears.
Thanks for the response. actually both images are not continuous images in HTML document ..... they will be placed in diff location of same page.

But due to float:bottom property in CSS .. both images ll be placed continuously of that. How can i adjust margin top or space between those images.

You can add margin or padding to the element being floated.