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getting errors when I try to add timestamp

I'm trying to add a timestamp to the header of my PDF, but I'm getting errors that say

error: TypeError: null value is not an object

Here are the steps I took:

1. I added this script in one of my html pages:

Prince.addScriptFunc("datestamp", function() {
    return (new Date()).toString();

2. I added this to my CSS:

@page {
    @top {
	content: prince-script(datestamp)

Is there anything else I should do? `
It works for me with the attached document (edit: the document pasted below):
Prince.addScriptFunc("datestamp", function() {
    return (new Date()).toString();
@page {
    @top {
	content: prince-script(datestamp)
<p>timestamp should appear in header</p>

Perhaps you have some other scripts being applied?

Edited by mikeday

where do I see the attachment?
Sorry, I just pasted it literally instead of attaching it. :)
sorry, but I still don't see the attachment . am i looking in the wrong place?
  1. doc.html0.3 kB
Thanks. I was downloaded the file and ran this:

prince --javascript princedoc.html -o result.pdf

It worked well. But then I added a CDN script reference to jQuery:

 <script src="//"></script> 
Prince.addScriptFunc("datestamp", function() {
    return (new Date()).toString();
@page {
    @top {
	content: prince-script(datestamp)
<p>timestamp should appear in header</p>

And got this error:

prince: // error: can't open input file: No such file or directory

I downloaded jQuery locally and didn't get the error.

Is there a restriction on CSS stylesheet locations? Can I not use remotely located stylesheets?


Edited by tomjohnson1492

You will need to specify "http://..." in the URL. If the URL just begins with "//" and your file is a local file, then it will be trying to load jQuery as a local file also.
Thanks. I fixed that, but now I'm getting a different error:

prince: error: TypeError: null value is not an object
I stripped out all the javascript references from my site. i still get this error:
TypeError: value is not an object
Strange, it has to be coming from somewhere. Perhaps you could email me ( a document that triggers the problem?
It turns out I had an auto-toc generator that was still included. When I stripped away this javascript, I didn't run into any more errors and the timestamp printed properly. Thanks!