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avoid footnote text to inherit bold/italics attribute from footnote number

I am converting HTML to PDF using Prince. The thing is that I obtain the HTML from Word, and sometimes I get this issue (due to the conversion process I use, from Word to HTML):

1) if the footnote number in the text has for example bold, then on the HTML I get:
TEXT<strong><span class="footnote">FOOTNOTE TEXT</span></strong> MORE TEXT.

2) when I export to PDF using Prince, I get the whole footnote text in bold.

Is there a way to avoid 2), even if I have 1)?
You could override it with this CSS rule:
span.footnote { font-weight: normal }
thanks Michael. But what if I had some "real" bold inside the footnote text, like here?

<strong><span class="footnote">FOOTNOTE TEXT WITH A <strong>WORD</strong> IN BOLD</span></strong>

Just to make sure that the solution only neutralizes the <strong> tag outside the text, and doesn't eliminate the "good" font properties in the footnote text.
That would still work. :)
it worked! Thanks.
Just one last query: and for italics? Which CSS rule should I add?
You can use "font-style: normal".
Sorry, that is to get rid of italics, you can create italics with "font-style: italic".
fantastic, thanks!
Michael, one last query: how can I get the same effect on the footnote call? (that is, getting neither bold nor italics on the footnote number)
Like this:
span.footnote::footnote-call {
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;
    font-size: 83%;
    vertical-align: super;
    line-height: none;