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customize the footnote reference in the footer (for example, to get superscript for the footnote number)

Is it possible to get superscript for the footnote number in the footnote section?
Yes, using the ::footnote-marker pseudo-element.

For example, if your footnote is a span with a class of "fn":
span.fn::footnote-marker { vertical-align: super }
thanks Michael.
Is it possible to remove the dot after the footnote marker, and also change the style of the footnote text so that it has hanging-indent? (please see the example enclosed)
  1. footnote superscript + hanging indent.png62.5 kB
hi Michael, if at least we could remove the point after the footnote marker, that would be perfect. But please let me know if it's not possible. Thanks
Sorry for the delay, you can use the content property to change the text of the marker, and add padding or other CSS properties for spacing, eg.
span.fn::footnote-marker {
    content: counter(footnote);
    vertical-align: super;
    padding-right: 8mm