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Required help to fix Preflight report


When I run the PDF/X-1a profile to one of the print ready pdf, I faced following issues and these need fixes. If you don't mind can you please suggest me how do I fix each of the issue in Acrobat?

List of Preflight issues as below:

> PDF document is not compliant with PDF/X-1a (2003)
> Outputintent for PDF/X missing
> Document creation date missing
> Document modification date missing
> PDF/X version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing
> Trapped key not true or false
> Document ID missing
> Page does not have TrimBox or ArtBox (431 matches on 431 pages)
> Object uses RGB (80 matches on 69 pages)
> Transparency used (soft mask in image) (18 matches on 9 pages)

Thanks in advance.

The latest builds of Prince have initial support for PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4, which might be helpful to you.

Otherwise, you can go to the Preflight window in Acrobat 7.0 and there is a PDF/X button in the bottom left, to convert the PDF to PDF/X. So you don't need to fix each issue individually, just convert the whole file. There are probably other tools for doing this available.
So the same applies if I have to run the PDF/X-1a and not PDF/X?

Also do you meant to say that if my document has RGB images and then following the instructions you provided those RGB images will automatically convert into CMYK?

Hi Mikeday,

I'm running with tight schedule with my document, can you please get back to me at the earliest if possible for the above questions?

Have you tried doing the PDF/X conversion in Acrobat and then rerunning the Preflight test?
Yes. I did.
All the issues resolved only the RGB images still kept invalid, as they did not convert into CMYK.

Pls help.
Okay, Acrobat also has "Tools > Print Production > Convert Colors..." In this dialog box you can select "Device RGB", then "Convert", then you need to specify an ICC color profile for CMYK that you want to use. For example, a common default is "U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2". It may help to ask your printer what they are expecting.

Please try this and then rerun the Preflight test.

It may also help to search for "convert rgb pdf to cmyk" and "convert rgb image to cmyk", as color conversions are a detailed topic and there is a lot of information and tools available.
Okay, thanks for the quick help, much appreciated.