We recently upgraded from prince v 8 to the prince 20141212 alpha version (to pick up the OpenSSL SHA256 fix) and started having tuns of deadlocking issues while the java wrapper is waiting to read the prince output stream. Looking in other JAVA forums I found information about the use of process streams with the Runtime.getRuntime().exec function. in short, all access to the streams must be asynchronous in a separate thread to prevent blocking (www.coderanch.com/t/419192/java/java/Runtime-getRuntime-exec-String-command#1849168). The Java wrapper does not use threads to access the streams and may be the cause of our issues. (It may be due to writing to both the out and err streams, which is a new capability since v8.)
We are calling the convert(InputStream xmlInput, OutputStream pdfOutput) function in the wrapper. using the other versions is not a desirable option for us at this point as we want to keep file system access to a minimum.
We are calling the convert(InputStream xmlInput, OutputStream pdfOutput) function in the wrapper. using the other versions is not a desirable option for us at this point as we want to keep file system access to a minimum.