Forum News

Prince 5.0-beta3 released

Today we have released the third beta version of Prince 5.0, including even more new features, improvements and bug fixes:

* Support for word-spacing property.
* Support for visibility property.
* Support for empty-cells property.
* Support for clip property.
* Support for table captions, table columns and column groups.
* Table cells/rows longer than one page will now be split.
* Improvements to background-repeat property.
* Improvements to vertical alignment for inline tables and inline blocks.
* Improvements to handling of blocks inside inline boxes.
* Windows GUI now remembers last path used to open files.

As always, feedback, comments and suggestions are appreciated :D
Your announcement is slightly outdated ;)
We noticed Beta 3 several minutes ago and already downloaded half of it :)
We have released the beta today, ie. within the past 24 hours! :lol:

Glad to see that you are so enthusiastic, do let us know how it goes!
[Sorry for posting it here: I could not found any doc-related forum]

I am glad to see some documentation for v5. However, I noticed all links for "CSS Properties" are broken.

"background" ->

All of them lead to nowhere. Perhaps it's work in progress ?!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the pressure. \\:^+

It would be great to have a "Documentation" specific forum.
Yes, this is a work in progress and the pages will be online soon.

I have created a new "Documentation" forum to host discussion about the Prince documentation :)
Thanks for the new forum. :wink: