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ICC Profile for the PDF

We are testing out prince at present to see if it will work within our workflow. But we are having problems with ICC profiles of the PDF. All our images have sRGB icc profiles embedded in them, Prince is listening to this fine. But when we add javascript API to set printParams and tell acrobat to silent print its messing up colours alot. Is there a way to have the script assign an overall ICC profile to the PDF itself and embed it. Output intent relies on something being installed on each PC?
Currently if you enable PDF/A-1b, Prince will specify an sRGB output intent for the whole PDF. You can try this by specifying --profile=PDF/A-1b (or --pdf-profile in the latest alpha builds).

However, is the JavaScript relevant to this issue? Do you get the same results if you just print the PDF manually?
its a bit weird the problem I am having. We used jZebra to silent print before and it prints perfect but as soon as we go through Adobe it seems as if the printers ICC profile isnt being obeyed. Javascript API is definately doing something but i feel it is because Adobe is fully reading the file where as jzebra is doing something that we are not aware off. Javascript gives us alot more control for printing hence our reasoning for wanting to use it.

Will check this and report back
Sorry forgot to mention we are testing this with the php wrapper - must be missing something but cannot see where to set this?

It looks like we have not added a method for that option to the PHP wrapper yet. Sorry for the inconvenience, we can add it this week.
Not a problem, I have created a setProfile function. Then a check in commandline function to check setprofile and apply it to the command line.
  1. prince.php23.4 kB
Hi Mike, will this option be added to the official release of the PHP wrapper soon? Thanks!
Sorry for the delay, we have updated the PHP wrapper available on the latest builds page.