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Can you put a table in a header?

I've been trying to put a table that is within a div tag into my table header using the following. Is it even posible to do so?

@page {
	size: 7in 9.25in;
	padding: 1in 0 0 0;
	margin: 0;
	@top {
		content: flow(header);
.product_header {
	flow: static(header);
	background-color: red;
	width: 7in; height: 1in;

			<td>Table Heading</td>
			<td>Page 1 of 8</td>
			<td>3000 Kg</td>
			<td>Product: dfgsdfg</td>
			<td>Effective Date: 12/01/2006</td>
			<td>Version Number: 65</td>
			<td>MS Issue Date: 11/21/2006</td>
			<td>Issue Date: 07/30/2003</td>
			<td>asdjfas;ldfjasdl;f lsadjfl;asdjfl;a lasjf;las j;l jasdf;aa</td>

I'm really hoping this is possible since I need to replicate another document that had this kind of formating in the header.
This will work, but you will need to add some top margin to the @page rule. Currently you have "margin: 0" on the @page rule, which means that the margin boxes will not have any space to put content there.
Thanks that was it. I thought I tried that originaly but apparently not.