I'm trying to take stock of the current ARM build situation.
For Prince 15 currently available at
https://www.princexml.com/download/, there are working links for linux-generic-aarch64 builds. Hooray!
Looking at the release history at
https://www.princexml.com/releases/, the first ARM builds referenced by the "23 Nov 2021" post upthread would have been between versions 14.2 ("April 2021") and 14.3 ("June 2022").
But as far as I can tell, Prince 14 never got official `aarch64` builds? The page at
https://www.princexml.com/download/14/ does not list any, and guessing at the missing URL pattern e.g. <
https://www.princexml.com/download/prince-14.4-linux-generic-aarch64.tar.gz> is a 404.
What would be the dated/snapshot/"latest" build URL for a linux-generic-aarch64 installer roughly corresponding to version 14.4? I had configured a Dockerfile to install a package from
https://www.princexml.com/download/prince-20211217-linux-generic-aarch64.tar.gz around the earlier time but that's now rather stale.
(FWIW my use case is a Debian VM running under an M1 laptop host, and I'm needing to version-match this development environment as closely as I can to whichever version of Prince the client has licensed and installed on their production server.)