Forum Bugs

svg xmlns:xlink error

Ive encountered an error with a svg tag. When running the following thru the princexml application:

svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
 width="699.0221959159514" height="441.0" viewBox="-131 -1 5356 3379" xml:space="preserve" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="6.51281179138322" fill="none"

The image is included in the pdf. Now when the same code is run thru the java interface i receive the following error:

Fri Nov  3 09:10:16 2006: -:359: error: Namespace prefix xmlns of attribute xlink is not defined

Any ideas?


Check that you are not calling setHTML(true) in the Java interface, as the HTML parser will have difficulty with XML constructs like namespaces and embedded SVG.