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inline-footnote separator (or detect the last footnote in a page)

I need to separate inline footnotes with an em-dash.
Thomas wrote about it here (point 2).
The (partial) solution I've found is:
footnote:after {
  content: " — ";

The problem is that the m-dash is attached to the last footnote too. There's a workaround, but it's ugly. It's something like this:
footnote[dash-after="no"]:after {
  content: "";

But it compels me to manually find the last footnote and add that attribute to it.

So the problem becomes: how can I detect which is the last footnote in a page?
You can preprocess in XSLT to find footnote followed by footnote and add the punctuation.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Thanks for your reply.
I have a book with many pages, and all the footnotes, except the last one, are followed by another footnote.
There's no pagination in the XML: I can process it with XSLT, but only Prince can tell me how it will distribute the footnotes on the pages.
I need to know if a footnote is the last in its page, so that I can simulate the "inline-footnote-separator" property desired by thomas in the topic linked in my previous message.
Looks like we need a new CSS property for this.
I solved this problem by adding a dingbat symbol ✦ in front of all footnotes.

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

  1. footnote inline separator.PNG21.5 kB
    inline separator