Forum Bugs

svg baseline-shift not working?

I've got an SVG image made with Inkscape, and I'm using text with superscript in it. However, in Prince the superscript text doesn't render properly (it does in Chrome). It looks like the "baseline-shift:super;" from the tspan-element gets ignored. Is this attribute supported, and if not, can support be added?
The SVG baseline-shift property is not supported. I'll add it to the roadmap, but we have many other features to get through first.
Okay, thanks! (As a workaround, breaking up the text and positioning the superscripts manually works fine.)
By the way, we have now added support for the SVG baseline-shift and dominant-baseline properties to the Prince latest builds.
And these two properties are found in Prince 11.
Sorry for the (incredibly) late response, but yes, they are working now! (Tested in Prince 12.1) Thank you!