Forum News

Prince alpha builds

Today we would like to let you know about Prince alpha builds, frequently updated packages that include our latest development work:
  • Multiple images download in parallel, for faster conversion
  • Improved logging from the Prince wrappers (Java, .NET, PHP)
  • New options for HTTP authentication, including NTLM
  • Support for more JavaScript DOM methods
  • Many bug fixes and other improvements
If you like Prince, please download the latest alpha build and give it a try! :D
Thanks Mike. Do you have an approximate date for Prince 9 rev 6?

Pulse Energy

The alpha will become Prince 10, which we hope to release this year, if we can get tagged PDF support integrated in time.
Is it probable that you will get tagged PDF support integrated in time?
In the spirit of optimism, I'm going to say yes. :)
Looking forward to Prince 10 as it solves fontawesome.
Wait, what? Prince should support Fontawesome already, no?
Only after installing 10 alpha did the ?'s go away in my case.
Ah, okay. You might want to check out our latest greatest alpha, which adds support for the SVG textPath element, and PDF/X-3 and PDF/X-4 profiles. :)
Excellent news. Thanks for the great work! Looking forward for the 10 final.
Hi, we had an issue converting web pages protected with SHA256, but the latest Alpha fixed that issue. When can we expect the Prince 10 final release?
Early 2015 is the plan, so by February would be nice. But the current alpha builds are basically stable as is, the only likely changes are to other unrelated features, such as PDF/X.
The latest alpha build (20141212) is fatally broken for me. I get a whole list of:
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/svg.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/mathml.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/hyph.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/common.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/xhtml-ns.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files

I'm on Mac OS X 10.8, "upgrading" from Prince 9.0r4 or 9.0r5 (not sure). It appears there's a file descriptor leak, because it starts out loading files just fine. This is the point where it goes wrong (for me):
prince: loading image: images/Formula/25GeV.svg
prince: loading document: images/Formula/25GeV.svg
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: loading image: images/Formula/35GeV.svg
prince: loading document: images/Formula/35GeV.svg
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: loading image: images/Formula/Q02.svg
prince: loading document: images/Formula/Q02.svg
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/svg.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/mathml.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/hyph.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: loading image: images/Formula/iqopt1.svg
prince: loading document: images/Formula/iqopt1.svg
prince: Applying style sheets...
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/common.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: /usr/local/lib/prince/style/xhtml-ns.css: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
prince: loading image: images/Formula/iqopt2.svg
prince: images/Formula/iqopt2.svg: warning: can't open input file: Too many open files
How many SVG files are included in your document? Are you running Prince manually from the command-line, or is it being invoked by another process that might have changed the max number of file handles?
I'm including about 140 SVG files, some multiple times. Most are small-ish, but there are some large ones among them. (Prince 9 ends up using 1 GB memory compiling this 200 page document.) I'm invoking Prince manually from the command-line. I'm pretty sure nothing is changing the max file handle limit. And if anything is, wouldn't that affect Prince 9 in the same way?
Thanks, I can reproduce the problem on MacOS X as well with 250 SVG files; I think there is also a connection with the number of open fonts.

We will investigate this issue and fix it soon, hopefully.
Thanks for the quick response! Just let me know when a new build is available, and I'll test it. And I almost forgot: happy new year! :)
Meanwhile you could try
ulimit -n 1024

on the Mac which increases the possible number of open files for a process. The default is 256 on OS X. As far as I know this is only possible one time for an open Terminal session. You can re-check the status for the current Terminal session with
ulimit -a

Changing this permanently OS wide isn't easy (again, as far as I know), and maybe it is also impossible to change this from within Prince (apart from keeping reference and restricting the number of open files on OS X).
Good suggestion. Hopefully we will have an updated alpha ready soon. And Happy New Year, everyone! :D
@mn4367: Confirmed, that workaround works. And yes, I can only give that command once (per Terminal session).
Today we have a new alpha build for MacOS X that should fix the file limit issue. Sorry for the inconvenience, please let me know how it goes! :)
Tested, and fix confirmed! And yes, I remembered to disable the workaround. ;)
I have a similar "too many open files" problem with SVGs on Windows :-(
Can you provide the new alpha build also on Windows?
Thank you
Sorry for the inconvenience, an updated alpha build for Windows is available now.
The alpha will become Prince 10, which we hope to release this year, if we can get tagged PDF support integrated in time.

I was wondering if there was a target date for the Prince 10 release.

Edit: NVM. I found a post answering my question. Apologies.

Edited by anuj.shroff

@mikeday just a quick question please. Am trying to persuade my company to upgrade our current prince version. We are currently on version 7.1 (they ain't found no need to upgrade due to how they are using it), was going to recommend they upgrade to V9 but reading the posts it seems like you are due to release version 10 some time soon. So my question would be do you have a set date for v10 release?

Also one of the main features my company would benefit from is FORM support. Any chances that will be available in v10? Also are you considering the option to support interactive FORMS (i.e. a form where the user can fill in some details within the pdf?) I know adobe pro supports that but it would make our lives much simpler if we could do it all through Prince.

Sorry about the long post :)

Thanks in advance
Prince 10 will be out very soon. No fixed date yet. The latest builds are basically feature complete and can be used immediately.

We don't support interactive forms yet, and we are unlikely to do so in the next six months as it is a fairly big feature to add, sorry.
@mikeday Thanks for the quick response. Is there a place where you have documented the new features added into the latest build?

Also do you have like a newsletter one could subscribe to so that I can stay informed on new releases etc? That would also help me write up something to highlight some of the benefits we would get form finally upgrading :)


The roadmap has a list, although it is not very easy to read; when we make the actual release their will be release notes available.

You can subscribe to the news forum by clicking the eye icon at the top! Then you will receive email when we post new announcements. :)

Thanks :)
Could you also provide RPMs / TGZs for SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 please, because we will soon switch our platform to this?
Alternatively, we could try to use openSUSE 13.2 packages, if SLES 12 packages are more complicated to build for you.

Thank you!

We will try building packages for 64-bit openSUSE 13.2.
@mikeday: are there any command-line options to control the number of concurrent connections prince can make for downloading images?
Yes, --prefetch-threads, which defaults to 6. You can disable it entirely with --no-parallel-downloads.

We should document these. :)
Sweet! Probably gonna be an issue with DocRaptor customers once we roll this out. Don't want to surprise DOS anyone. :D
I see v10 is available at What's new it in?
CSS improvements, SVG improvements, JavaScript improvements, HTTP and URL improvements, many bug fixes. There are release notes. :)
The prince 10 release notes say the default http timeout was changed to 60s. What was it before? I think I have tested this before to find the answer, but I can't find any documentation.
If I recall correctly, there was no timeout before. So it might wait for the TCP connection to timeout, which could allow the server to keep Prince waiting indefinitely. You can get this (bad?) behaviour back by using --no-http-timeout on the command-line.