Forum Bugs

<p> tag with marigin and padding setas 0

We set margin and padding 0 for p tags in our applicatiojn ( we use TinyMCE which has p tags by defauly - and it create extra lines - so we chose this setting to suppress that extra line) .
We notice a difference in Browser(FF) display and Prince XML Display. Prince truncates the line after the bulleted contents , but Browser would give a line spacing . Is there any way Prince can make this work like in the browser?

<style type="text/css">
p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<p>{For more information please contact this person}</p>
<p>{For more information please contact this person}</p>

You could add "ul { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em }".
Hello Mike , Thanks for the suggestion .
However I have the same setting in the browser but it works different .
Is there any thing Prince XML can look at to make it look like in the browser? Because the main concern for users is that it doesn't match the view :-)

However if you mean to say that browser by default has "ul { margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em }" by default , then it makes perfect sense to have this as a permanent fix while sending docs to Prince XML . Can you please let me know?

Edited by nishantvarma

It looks like the browser has default rules similar to this:
ol, ul {
    margin-top: 1.12em;
    margin-bottom: 1.12em

ol ul, ul ul, dl ul,
ol ol, ul ol, dl ol {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0

So lists get margin by default, unless they are nested inside another list. We will add this to a future release of Prince.
Thanks Mike . Any idea when would this be relased ?
For now we might just append this to our Prince 8 Template .
If this is rectified in the upcoming versioin , then our Prince 9 Template which is not yet out for production can continue conforming to standard HTML CSS and nothing specific to Prince .
We have added this to the new Prince alpha version. We are not planning to include it in Prince 9, as it's a bit too incompatible with prior behaviour, and it might break documents unexpectedly.
Prince 10 includes this vertical margin for lists in the default style sheet. Thanks for letting us know about the issue. :)