Forum Bugs

Inline-block tables which span a page are cut off

I'm attempting to do a layout where I have some tables side by side. I would really like to use inline-block to accomplish this, because of the automatic line breaking once all the width of the page has been used up. However, I've noticed that tables with display:inline-block do not span pages in Prince - they just get cut off.

This seems like a bug to me, but I'm also open to suggestions for other workarounds that would accomplish the goal - side-by-side tables spanning multiple pages with the theads repeating on every page.
Can you put the tables inside another table with two columns? Currently inline elements (including inline blocks) cannot span page breaks.
I've tried tables, and the situation I run into is that if the tables are too wide, they won't be moved down to the next line. I've also attempted to do it with floats, but if the tables differ in length so that the second table goes past a page break after the first table has ended, the rest of the second table winds up all the way to the left, rather than in the same horizontal location as on the previous page.
So you have tables side by side, of varying widths, and varying heights, and you want the horizontal positions to be maintained across page breaks. I don't think that is possible.

Perhaps if you made the tables all the same height, or if you knew the width, or if they were all on one page; basically I think you need to remove at least one of the constraints in order to solve this with CSS.
@mikeday, I have an inline-block element with content (not necessarily tables), and it is not spanning pages and is getting cut off. How to handle this?
Inline elements occupy a single line, and a single line cannot be split across multiple pages. Can you convert it to a regular block instead?