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PDF Profiles, benefit?

Is there any benefit(s) to set PDF profile to PDF/A-1b when converting xHTML to PDF - to be printed catalog/book.
Technically PDF/A is for accessibility and archiving, so it won't provide any benefit if you are only planning to print the PDF on paper.
Thanks mikeday.

In general I'm looking for benefits (if there are any) for PDF which going to get printed.

What I was looking is something along the lines of PDF/X-1a, where Prince would throw a warning/error if images are not CMYK or spot colors and so on.

At the moment I'm building a set of rules, which would guarantee that PDF is print ready for highest standards.

  • length expression - pt
  • colors - CMYK
  • image resolution - 300dpi

Would you add more rules? :)

Edited by Mike

Hmm, good question. Perhaps check the PDF/X requirements, for example by running the Acrobat Professional Preflight test?