Forum How do I...?

vertical/rotated text

is there a way to rotate a text 90 degrees in a rather simple html5 document that eventually is converted to pdf with prince?

i have tried several methods including using svg but no luck and running out of time.

i would really appreciate a working example.

Thank you.

Have you tried "transform: rotate(90deg)" ?
No I did not but will when I get time.
I did get svg to work and i'm ok for now.

I thank you very much.

Actually i did use the transform rotate in svg, sorry about that.
Key for me was the viewBox around the text tag.

Here is the code that worked for me:

<svg viewBox='-24 -90 24 90' style='width: 24px; height: 90px; border:0px solid red'>
<text transform='rotate(-90)' style='font-face:OCR-A_BT,courier;font-size:10pt;'>