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counter-reset on blank page

Is there a way to do counter-reset on blank page?
#superlongpage {  content: counter(pages); }

@page tearaway:blank {
        counter-reset: pages; 
        content: string(" ");
	@top { content:normal;}
	@bottom { content: normal;}

#tearawaypage { page:tearaway; counter-reset: pages; page-break-before:right; }

<div id="superlongpage">...</div>
<div id="tearawaypage">...</div>

This will give me:
superlongpage: Total pages 28
Instead of:
superlongpage: Total pages 27

For some reason the blank page that is created due to page-break-before:right counts towards total page count.
It may not be possible to do this just with counters, it may require some JavaScript manipulation via prince-script() functions.
alright, thanks for the fast response!