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How do I get prince to honor JPEG TIFF orienation?

Hey Prince forum friends,

We have an issue with some images where the JPEG image was captured sideways, however, orientation is indicated in the TIFF properties of the image.

So OSX preview and photo apps know to rotate the image to the correct orientation, but it appears that prince does not orient the image.

I attached the image for reference.

Any suggestions? Is there a way to get prince to honor the TIFF orientation property?

  1. original_9fe32d9268f3552c10663d25cf830c86e2cfe0a8.JPG3.1 MB
    image with tiff orientation
No, there seems to be a proposal to add "image-orientation: from-image" to CSS, but Prince does not currently support this, so images need to be rotated into the correct orientation before processing.
Okay. Thanks mikeday.
Hi, this question is 4+ years old and it is now very common for photos to carry image-orientation meta-data. Most browsers seem to support the correct behavior by default (auto-rotate) without the need to specifically use the proposed "image-orientation: from-image" CSS which may be dropped or curtailed according to discussions I've read.

Is there any plan for Prince to support this a solution for meta-data referenced image orientation?


We will investigate this issue.
We have now released Prince 12.1 which supports "image-orientation: from-image" to use the image orientation metadata.
Thanks! Will upgrade and test in the upcoming weeks.