Hi Mike,
Could you describe how Prince processes a word containing a discretionary hyphen? We've been doing some testing, and it appears that Prince will remove *some* of the dictionary-defined break points from such a word, sometimes.
We're curious about this because I'm getting some complaints from users that discretionary hyphens are sometimes ignored. I wonder how much of this is because the justification algorithm decides the desired break point is not allowed.
Here's a little test file I'm using. The first column is the word with the discretionary hyphen, the second column shows where the discretionary hyphen is in the word. At the top seem to be the dictionary entries that control how this word hyphenates (although I'm sure there's more going on there).
Could you describe how Prince processes a word containing a discretionary hyphen? We've been doing some testing, and it appears that Prince will remove *some* of the dictionary-defined break points from such a word, sometimes.
We're curious about this because I'm getting some complaints from users that discretionary hyphens are sometimes ignored. I wonder how much of this is because the justification algorithm decides the desired break point is not allowed.
Here's a little test file I'm using. The first column is the word with the discretionary hyphen, the second column shows where the discretionary hyphen is in the word. At the top seem to be the dictionary entries that control how this word hyphenates (although I'm sure there's more going on there).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Discretionary Hyphens</title>
@page {
size: letter;
margin: 1in;
body { hyphens: prince-expand-all; }
p {
text-align: justify;
font-size: 10pt;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
span { hyphens: auto; }
<p> </p>
<p>s­urprisingly | <span>s*urprisingly</span></p>
<p>su­rprisingly | <span>su*rprisingly</span></p>
<p>sur­prisingly | <span>sur*prisingly</span></p>
<p>surp­risingly | <span>surp*risingly</span></p>
<p>surpr­isingly | <span>surpr*isingly</span></p>
<p>surpri­singly | <span>surpri*singly</span></p>
<p>surpris­ingly | <span>surpris*ingly</span></p>
<p>surprisi­ngly | <span>surprisi*ngly</span></p>
<p>surprisin­gly | <span>surprisin*gly</span></p>
<p>surprising­ly | <span>surprising*ly</span></p>
<p>surprisingl­y | <span>surprisingl*y</span></p>