Forum How do I...?

Interleafing text on left column and figures on right column

Hi again!

I'd like to place the figures one below the other on the page's right side where they appear in html code:

<p>Piece of text</p>
<p><img src="my image" /></p> /* this first image must be displayed on the top of the page's right side */
<p>Piece of text</p>
<p>Piece of text</p>
<p><img src="my image" /></p> /* this second image must be displayed on right below the first */
so on.

Is there a mean to do that?
The 'float:right' property is not appropriate because it places the figure on the right on the same level as the previous paragraph.
Moreover, too close figures can overlap.
Thanks for your suggestions.
If you want the images to immediately follow each other, it would be easier to put them in the same element and float the whole element across.