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How to place text on right pages and figures on left pages?

Hi everybody,
I'd like to place a text <div> on the right pages and the following figures <div> on right pages.
I tried this:

<div class="Text">
my text

<div class="Figures">
my figures

div.Text {page: right}
div.Figures {page: left}

The result is:
the text is on the left page (the previous page of the text div is a right page) and the figures are on the right page.
How can I obtain text on the right page and figures on the left page ?

Important: The text may extend on several pages. Idem for the figures.
Then, I'd like to display all the text on right pages and all the figures on the left pages.
Is it possible?
Thank you in advance for your help.
"page: right" won't actually do anything unless you have defined a named page called "right", which isn't really what you want here. You can use "page-break-before: left" or "page-break-before: right" to say that the element should begin on a left or right facing page. So the first part of your question is achievable.

However, if there are multiple pages of text and multiple pages of figures, currently it is not possible to interleave them so that the text ends up on left pages and the figures on right pages. It's an entirely reasonable request, but CSS just doesn't have a mechanism to do this yet. :(
Thank you, Mike, for this prompt response.

For too long texts, I'll structure the document by means of several blocks text - figures.
In fact, it would be nice to chain separately all the left pages and all the right pages.