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prevent/allow text selection using CSS

I want to display shell commands in my PDF doco as they would appear in a terminal (ie. shell prompts and all). Users will generally copy these commands and paste them into a terminal. Unfortunately this means they pick up the prompts and any extraneous rubbish displayed as well. Is there a way to limit the copy/paste operation to just pick up the command and not the prompts?
Can you put the prompt on a separate line?

Jim Albright
Wycliffe Bible Translators

Or use different colors, or font weights, or underline?

There is no way to control text selection in Prince, I'm not sure if PDF contains this functionality or not. Perhaps there is some other way to educate users as to which parts of a command are to be typed in. Printed books must solve this problem some how. :D
It's not so much about educating readers as making life easier for them - i.e. multi line commands only require 1 copy/paste operation instead of having to copy and paste each line, and they don't have to clean up the command in the terminal after the paste.
I assume this means user-select isn't supported and probably not suitable anyway?
Right, we don't have any mechanism to control user selection in the generated PDF files.