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suppress running header on 1st chapter page

Hello PrinceXml Users
i included a running header in page margin box for chapters. I want eliminate the running head on 1st chapter page. Can you give me a hint how to achieve this? here is the code:
<div class="chapter">
<h1 class="chapter">running head 1</h1>

@page standard:left {
size: A4 portrait;
margin-left: 53mm;
margin-right: 26mm;
margin-top: 29mm;
margin-bottom: 58mm;
@top { content: string(title) }
You'll need a new "first" page:

@page standard:first {
@top { content: normal; }

Then use

div.chapter {
page: standard;
prince-page-group: start;

The "prince-page-group" bit tells the system to use the :first page whenever you start a new chapter.

Hello Dave
thanks very much, this works perfectly.
regards, Peter