Forum Bugs

accented characters have extra whitespace before and after

accented characters have extra whitespace before and after.

example snippet : "i l'ouverture de crédit a été accordée."
comes out more or less looking like : "i l'ouverture de cr é dit a é t é accord é e."

example is attached.
i'm running on mac.
it happens with font-family serif and sans-serif but not with courier.

further investigation revealed that when adding explicit mappings, some fonts have the issue and others don't. e.g. Avenir on macos doesn't have the issue while Arial seems to have the issue.

@font-face {
font-family: sans-serif;
src: local("Avenir");

koen handekyn
  1. demo.pdf37.9 kB
    example with bad rendering
The PDF file includes the LiHeiPro font, even though the document contains no CJK characters? That's a little bit suspicious. Do you know if your source HTML is using precomposed accented characters or separate base + accent pairs? It would help if you could attach the input HTML document as well. :)