Forum Bugs

Prince 9.0r2 static binary segfault

Invoking the AMD64 generic static Linux binary results in a segfault:

*** Mercury runtime: caught segmentation violation ***
cause: address not mapped to object
address involved: (nil)
This may have been caused by a stack overflow, due to unbounded recursion.
exiting from signal handler
Segmentation fault

The dynamic binary works, though.
Looks like an issue caused by upgrading from libxml 2.7.3 to libxml 2.7.6, but only affecting static linking for some reason. Anyway, it's a good time to upgrade to libxml 2.9.1, which fixes other issues as well as the static linking problem! :)

If you download the package again it should work now. Thanks for letting us know!
Indeed: the new package works fine. Thank you.