I'm generating a set of reports that range in size from 1 page to ~300 pages. For some of the larger reports, I'm seeing the PrinceXML process use over 2GB of RAM. I'm running several PrinceXML processes in parallel, so the usage grows fairly large.
Other RAM usage comments I've seen suggest that Prince rarely uses so much RAM, even for documents with thousands of pages. Am I doing something wrong, or is this normal?
The reports have a single small image repeated in each page's header, and otherwise just long tables of text, so I see no obvious culprits.
Other RAM usage comments I've seen suggest that Prince rarely uses so much RAM, even for documents with thousands of pages. Am I doing something wrong, or is this normal?
The reports have a single small image repeated in each page's header, and otherwise just long tables of text, so I see no obvious culprits.