Forum Bugs

Multi-column layout rendering different in prince 7 vs 8


We're running into an issue where a multi-column layout is rendering different between prince version 7.1 and 8.1r5 (same in 8.1r4).

I've attached the source html (which is a trimmed down version of the real html, just enough to show the problem), and pdfs generated in both versions.
We're running on CentOS.

As you can see, the pdf generated by 8.1 renders only one column per page, where as the 7.1 version renders it more like a browser does.

Are we doing something wrong? Do we need to send special css for version 8.1?

Thanks in advance for your help!
  1. column_test-7.1.pdf1.2 kB
    prince v7.1 pdf
  2. column_test-8.1r5.pdf2.3 kB
    prince v8.1r5 pdf
  3. column_test.html1.6 kB
    source html

Edited by euler

This is because the height of the floats is greater than the height of the page, so they get pushed to the next page. We have made some adjustments to this behaviour for the next release of Prince, which makes it behave similarly to 7.1 again.
Great! When do you expect the next release to be?

We plan to release a tech preview soon.
Hi Mike

Just wondering if there's any update on this (or a date when you think it will be out)?

If you would like to try an early build, just email me ( and let me know which operating system you are running Prince on.
Thanks Mike

So far so good (though the paths don't seem to work quite like they do in the normal rpm [which runs out of /usr/bin]...but working around that for now).

We're going to do some more testing, but any ideas on when this might be an official release?

Not too long now, we're just integrating the last few changes. :)
Thanks Mike -

We eagerly await the new package, so please let us know as soon as it's out.
